Tooth Colored Fillings

Tooth Colored Fillings

A tooth-colored filling is a restorative procedure that repairs small areas of decay in a tooth or teeth. At For Gentle Dental Care, before placing the filling, the dentist will remove any decayed tissue from the tooth and then clean the area. The dentist will then apply the tooth-colored filling material onto the tooth and mold it as required. Finally, the filling is hardened using a curing light. The entire process of placing a tooth-colored filling only takes one visit to the dental office.

When Are Tooth-Colored Fillings Used?

  • To Restore Decayed Teeth

Decay or cavities occur when bacteria build up on the tooth’s surface and eat away at the enamel. When this happens, the tooth structure weakens and the tooth begins to break apart. Our dentist uses tooth-colored fillings to restore the tooth’s shape and strength and prevent further decay from affecting the damaged area.

  • To Protect Chipped or Broken Teeth

Teeth may become cracked or chipped due to accidents or trauma. Even if the damage may be minor at first, if not treated quickly, it can lead to further damage to the tooth’s structure and a greater risk of the biting surface becoming infected. Our dentist restores broken teeth using tooth-colored fillings to rebuild them and make them strong again.

  • To Change a Tooth’s Appearance

Some patients have one or more stained, discolored, or oddly shaped teeth that they’d like to change. Our cosmetic dentist can use a tooth-colored filling to change the appearance of a single tooth or several teeth quickly and easily. This can help to improve the patient’s confidence in his or her smile.

How Are Tooth-Colored Fillings Placed?

X-rays will be taken so the cavity can be identified. The dentist will start by numbing the area around the decayed or damaged tooth with a local anesthetic. The anesthesia will prevent the area from becoming painful as the dentist works on it. 

Once the tooth is numb, the filling procedure can begin. The damaged portion of the tooth will be drilled out and removed. The hole may be slightly enlarged to prepare the tooth for the filling. The tooth will then be cleaned and the filling material applied. The last step is the use of a special blue light to help harden the filling in place. The filling is then polished to eliminate any sharp edges and ensure the bite is not affected.

With tooth-colored fillings, patients can regain the functionality of the affected tooth. Visit For Gentle Dental Care at 211 Culver Blvd Ste. T, Playa Del Rey, CA, 90293, or call (310) 827-5094 to learn more about the benefits of tooth-colored fillings.

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Phone: (310) 827-5094



211 Culver Blvd T, Playa Del Rey, CA, 90293

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  • MON - THU9:00 am - 6:00 pm
  • FRIClosed
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